ephesians 1:18 the message

8.247; Justin Martyr, Apology 1.61.12; Dial 39.2; 122.1; cf. Photizo - 11v -Lk. (Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary), Energeia - 7v -Eph. He said, "It's not like you to be shy." The fact that God exerted such mighty power to save us implies that His same mighty power will keep us. Here are the other two uses in Ephesians. For we saw (eido) His star in the east, and have come to worship Him." What does this "working of the strength of His might" look like? "Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him." Yes, God's Word promises us great richestreasures that we cannot even attempt to purchase with any amount of money. Zephaniah All of which is a parable. The idea is that it is the active efficacy of the might that is inherent in God, His indwelling strength. The only aim of the life is that the Son of God may be manifested, and all dictation to God vanishes. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might. (ED: AKA AS NOT "ABIDING IN CHRIST!" Look at our Lords body in the tomb. He also gives us the powerthe enablementto practice the truth (Eph. It is your hope of final glorification and of sharing Gods glory when Christ returns (Col. 3:4). Septuagint Usage -Grundmann (ischu, Kittel, 3:397, note 3) asserts that ischus is the most common word for power in the LXX. It substitutes for 30 Hebrew expressions in the Septuagint where it regularly translates such terms as kach (strength, power, ability), chayil (capacity, power), and az (strength). his incomparably great power for us who believe. In this passage energeia describes the active, energetic, productive power of the Spirit of God at work. 6:5; 22:18; 24:2, 4; 1 Ki. 4:10; 8:10; Esther 4:17; 10:2; Job 4:2; 5:5; 6:11f, 22, 25; 9:19; 12:16; 16:5; 23:6; 26:2, 12; 30:2, 18; 31:24, 39; 36:5, 19, 22; 37:23; 39:11, 21; 40:16; Ps. The power behindChrists resurrectionis now working on our behalf. Thats why Paul prayed that God Himself would enlighten the hearts of the Ephesian believers (Eph. Bend the whole energy of your powers to realize your election as a child of God; rise to the occasion every time. Suggestions for Prayer: Pray for greater spiritual enlightenment and a clearer understanding of your security in Christ. Meditate on the truths in Ephesians Chapter One. Therefore, whereas the hope that was produced by his calling looked back to the past, his inheritance in the saints will be fully realized in Christs coming to get his saints." It refers to the inherent strength which displays itself in the rule over others. WALK IN THE SPIRIT. which is the true and proper fountain of man's salvation. (2) The other view is that the inheritance means all that we will inherit in Christ. His death had our name on it. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; (Bible Knowledge Commentary), In another note Hoehner writes that "The word kleronomia occurred in Eph 1:14 and basically means property, possession, or inheritance. 1:16). What a disappointment to someone who helped contribute to that $50 million figure! Each soul has the whole of God. Hell help us, all Heaven will break loose." He has bought and paid for them to the utmost farthing, hence about his title there can be no dispute. 1 Peter 5:10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. The invitation goes out to everyone: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. But many ignore the invitation or make up excuses for why they cannot respond. The way to combat these forces is to stand in Gods mighty power (v.10)that is, resurrection power. He does everything he can to buy the field in which the treasure is buried. The power of God we experience in our lives is the same power by which God raised Jesus Christ from death. 18:23, 24.; 32:18, 19.; Josh 17:4; cf. Calmen had expected her former teacher to say, "I knew you could do that.". There is nothing more to seek, nothing more to be given or received. But let us not stop here - believers needed resurrection power to be saved the first time (justification) and are in continual need of this same power for "daily salvation" (progressive sanctification, "present tense" salvation) from the world, the flesh and the devil! New International Dictionary of NT Theology. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is. The emigrant at last covers his estate, its mines become exhausted, its forests levelled, its soil impoverished; but when a million years have passed, the nature of God will lie before us as utterly unexplored and unexhausted, as when the first-born son of light commenced like a Columbus in the spiritual realm to explore the contents of the illimitable continent, God. That having the eyes of your heart enlightened. 1:31; 2:10, 19, 21; 3:1; 10:13, 33; 11:2; 23:4, 11; 28:6; 29:2; 30:15; 33:11, 13; 37:3; 40:9f, 26, 29, 31; 41:1; 42:13; 44:12; 45:1; 47:5, 9; 49:4f, 26; 51:9; 52:1; 58:1; 61:6; 62:8; 63:1, 15; Jer. Here in verse 18 he wrote about Gods inheritance, the saints themselves! That men might know the measure of Gods power. Ye may know what is the hope of his calling. Whereas the first and second concepts to be understood dealt with the past and future respectively, the third deals with the power of God in the present time toward believers. As Fuller listened, he suddenly recognized his own spiritual blindness. I have riches of value untold. He's the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. 2:14+). These include truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God. And what is he attempting to describe? Physically, we are here; but, in Christ, we have been raised. If you are still the same miserable crosspatch, set on your own way, then it is a lie to say that God has saved and sanctified you. (1Pe 1:5-note) The idea is that we are being brought through an enemys country under a strong escortas (escort = a person or group of persons accompanying another to give protection ) the women and children from Lucknow, between the double line of English soldiers, till they were safe from the onset of the Sepoys. Nick should look at his evil father and sister. Many Old Testament texts speak of Israel as Gods chosen portion or inheritance. There is no mortgage on his estate; no suits can be raised by opposing claimants, the price was paid in open court (1Co 6:20, Rev 5:9), and the Church is the Lord's freehold for ever. 17 But I do more than thank. He will win for Himself a great name, as He turns thy desert places into gardens, and makes thy wildernesses blossom as the rose. 2:4): strength of sin (1 Cor. Says a good divine, "It is one of the greatest glories of the Church of Christ, that our mighty Maker, and our Friend, always chooses our inheritance for us." There is no power shortage, just a shortage of our understanding of what we possess in Christ. The power which is really at work in Christian men to-day is in its nature properly transcendent and immeasurable, and passes thought and desire and knowledge. The same power which raised the Head works life in the members. Scripture: Genesis 2:15-17, Psalms 121:3, Philippians 4:19, James 1:17, Ephesians 1:3, Revelation 21:9, Romans 8:21-26, . But I do more than thank. The ESV also picks up the perfecttense rendering it "having the eyes of your hearts enlightened," which also describes a past completed action. The faith that saves is not the faith whereby we live the victorious Christian life. Ephesians 3:20+ Now to Him Who is able (dunamai) to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power (dunamis) that works (energeo- present tense - continually working) within us. NET NOTE has an interesting comment that a paraphrase reads "Since you are enlightened by Gods Spirit, I pray that you may comprehend the hope to which he has called you, the spiritual riches that await the saints in glory, and the spiritual power that is available to the saints now. Thus, the prayer focuses on all three temporal aspects of our salvation as these are embedded in the genitivesthe past (calling), the future (inheritance), and the present (power toward us who believe). The church is Christs body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence. Revelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, our need to depend on the Holy Spirit to obey, Lehman Strauss Commentary Devotional Studies on Paul's Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebook, 2002 Edition, Ephesians MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Ephesians 1:15-23 Possessing the Possessions in Christ, The Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian, Brown, Colin, Editor. Hoehner on kratos -In the NT it is used twelve times, four times by Paul, twice in Ephesians (1:19; 6:10) and it always has reference to supernatural power: once of the devil (Heb 2:14), and the other eleven times of God. You have the reason why there is so little of vivid, vibrant joy in the things of God. Our dear Father "has blessed (past tense - it is a completed act!) In, on, among. (Commentary on the New Testament:), Warren Wiersbe - First, enlightenment comes from the Holy Spirit. So that you will know what is the hope of His calling- The purpose was that might be supernaturally enabled to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that their calling (their salvation that had occurred in the past) gave them ahope sure not a hope so. Note that while most versions render this as a prayer for "enlightenment," the fact is that Paul uses the perfect tense for photizo which describes them as having been enlightened in the past with continuing effect. I was just waiting on him. It was everlasting power. Harold Hoehner -In Eph 1:14 Paul wrote that the Christians inheritance is their final redemption from the presence of sin. I am in total agreement with you. He prayed first of all that they be given a divine awareness of the power they possessed in Christ. It is an expectation or confidence. (Pathways to His Presence), Craig Blomberg - To Let Us Experience Gods Mighty Power, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. We are not in heaven yet; but we are as safe as if we were. The Council's report, released in September 1991, concludes that subliminal messages simply don't work. Paul does not want these believers to be like Chief Crowfoot. 1 Peter 4:11 (note) Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God; whoever serves, let him do so as by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Not unto us, not unto us, but unto Thee, O Christ of God, be the glory! Though lifting our troubles and needs to God is both acceptable and important, we should never forget to express our thankfulness, jubilance, and praise to Him in prayer. 13:9; Heb 5:11), taste (Ps. Paul always uses the word call to refer to this effectual call of God that actually saves the one called (Charles Hodge, Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians [Eerdmans], p. 75). 1:6, 14; Ezek. The real work of a Church depends upon the power of the Spirit." 15:19). Kneeling in the back seat, Fuller gave his life to Christ in prayer. The effectual call is given by God only to the elect. spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ." Megethos in the Septuagint -Ex. Ezekiel It grows even taller when he prays that we would know the glory of Gods inheritance in the saints. Ephesians 3:7+ of which I was made a minister, according to the gift of Gods grace which was given to me according to the working (energeia) of His power (dunamis) . Let every reader mark this, that supposing two men obtained a grant of an equal number of acres, if other things were equal, their wealth would be in exact proportion to the amount of use which each had made of his special acres. Im taking this message from this phrase in Ephesians 1:19: the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe. I know that the vast majority of you do not feel that power. Ephesians 1:18. 2 Chronicles Paul usessaints nine times - Ep 1:1+, Eph 1:15+, Eph 1:18+; Eph 2:19+;; Eph 3:8+, Eph 3:18+; Eph 4:12+; Eph 5:3+; Eph 6:18+. 15:13). The conduct (works) doesn't save us but does demonstrate the belief to be genuine. All rights reserved, Life Application Study Bible: New Living Translation, Wuest Word Studies - Eerdman Publishing Company, Complete Biblical Library - Incredible Resource, Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament. (Brown, Colin, Editor. It is not as under the laws of primogeniture, that one child takes all, while the younger children are dismissed with meagre allowances. They will give us the strength to persevere in godliness. He reminded us of the motivation behind prayercommunicating with the One who is in control of all things. 17:6; Ezek. He finally disembarked his troops from a lack of support at home. THOUGHT There will never be a day when God's power is not sufficient to accomplish what God purposes in us and through us to the praise of His glory (what He does in and through us will be seen by others who give Him praise and glory because they realize that it is a supernatural not natural work!) Resurrection Power. The text is clear! When a person is aware of that call and surrenders to it, he or she starts living out Gods purpose for him or her (seeJeremiah 1:45;Isaiah 49:1;Galatians 1:15). That is why one cannot receive the full impact of the meaning of the Word of God except as the Holy Spirit illuminates his mind to understand it. All rights reserved. Thats why he prayed for our enlightenment (Eph 1:18). He sealed us with the Holy Spirit so that we might be kept until the day of redemption, absolutely, totally, eternally secure in our salvation. The resurrection power of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8-note, cp Col 1:29-note, Eph 3:20-note). From a primary elpo; expectation or confidence. Even more, we will be in the presence of the One who loved us and redeemed us with His blood. But they unravelled the mystery by telling me that they put in, in enriching manure, all that they took out in the days of golden harvest. He thinks of us as His inheritance. At the center of all this, Christ rules the church. (play "The Solid Rock"), Latter in Ephesians, Paul reminded the Gentile believers that in Christ they "were called in one hope of your calling (Eph 4:4+). The possibilities of human nature are manifest there. Here we see a prayer Paul offered with the intention of strengthening Christs church. And I see my past has been redeemed What Does It Mean That There Is No One Holy Like God? But now Rader was fighting for souls, and as he stood to speak he proclaimed his text, Ephesians 1:18. Set apart by (or for) God, holy, sacred. Be alert for attitudes or actions that need to be changed. Mark How did God respond to Pauls prayer to remove his thorn in the flesh? He prayed that they might be enlightened so that experientially they might truly possess their possessions! The soul, as is written, The soul of man is the lamp of the Lord (Prov. (The Reciprocal Inheritance). But I do more than thank. The present glories of the ascended Christ are glories possessed by a Man, and, that being so, they are available as evidences and measures of the power which works in believing souls. ", Toward (1519) (eis) motion toward = marking that which any person or thing inclines toward (in this case genuine belief). (Joshua 1:3+) In short, we need to lay hold of the power that resides within us in the form of the Holy Spirit. For long days he travels, towards his inheritance and presently pitches his flimsy shanty upon its borders. The object of his prayers is described as the God of Christ, and Father of glory; the petitions to him are for an increase of knowledge of Christ from the Spirit, as a spirit of wisdom and revelation, Eph 1:17, and that they might have a clearer view of the nature of that glory they were called unto, and were hoping for, Eph 1:18, and observe the wonderful display of the power of God in their conversion and faith; which is illustrated by comparing it with that power which was shown in raising Christ from the dead, Eph 1:20, which leads the apostle to take notice of the exaltation of Christ at the right hand of God in heaven, consequent on his resurrection; where he is advanced above angels and men, and has all things in subjection to him for the good of his church, of which he is the head, and which is his body and fulness, Eph 1:21-23. Personal / Possessive Pronoun - Genitive Masculine 3rd Person Singular. The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. Ephesians 1:18 In-Context 16 I couldn't stop thanking God for you - every time I prayed, I'd think of you and give thanks. (Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary). I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. 1:3), you are less likely to succumb to temptation. Ischus - 10 times in the NT translated: might, 5; power, 1; strength, 4. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! I greet you with the grace and peace poured into our lives by God our Father and our Master, Jesus Christ. 4:18; 2Co 2:14), and touch (Acts 17:27). There is the general call of the gospel that goes out to all people. 8:3839)! Let this incomparable truth stir within your heart a passionate desire that He may be glorified in you more fully each day until that great day dawns for which both He and we look with such fervent expectation. Believe (4100) (pisteuo) refers not just to an intellectual assent to the truths of the gospel but to a saving belief that effects the heart, resulting in a transformed, supernaturally directed conduct based on the truth believed.

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